What do I want to practice?

lunes, 26 de enero de 2015


Ha llegado el momento de decidir qué alumnos y alumnas se examinarán del KET y cuáles se examinarán del PET. Para ello, y como sabemos que esto puede generar dudas e inseguridades, a continuación os mostramos un powerpoint explicando en qué consiste cada uno de los exámenes y a qué modalidades de educación secundaria conducen. 

Recordaros que lo importante no es que un alumno o alumna se examine de un nivel más o menos alto, sino que se sientan seguros y confíen en sus posibilidades, esforzándose y trabajando  tanto en clase como en casa. 

La decisión de que un alumno/a haga un examen u otro corresponde a los maestros, ya que conocemos su nivel y hemos ido haciendo pruebas a lo largo de 5º y 6º de Primaria. Por otro lado, la decisión de la modalidad de educación secundaria os corresponde a vosotros (alumnos/as y familias). 

Gracias y un saludo. 
Profesores de 6º de Primaria

Web del IES Antares

martes, 20 de enero de 2015



In reported speech we usually report what was said at a different time, and so we change the tense to reflect the time which we are reporting. We normally "shift back" one tense.
  • Direct speech: "I'm not playing football.
  • Reported speech: "He said that he wasn't playing football."
Sometimes we need to change the pronoun.
  • Direct speech: Jane: "I don't like living here." (Jane is referring to herself)
  • Reported speech: Jane said (that) she didn't like living here. (The pronoun she refers to Jane)
We may also need to change other words about place and time.
  • Direct speech: "I like this car." 
  • Reported speech: He said (that) he liked that car.
  • Direct speech: "I went to Tokyo last week."
  • Reported speech: She said (that) she'd been to Tokyo the week before.


viernes, 16 de enero de 2015


Choose one of the following examples and write your answer.
 These are KET writing tests, so you should apply everything we have learnt at school. 
  1. First of all, write in a draft paper all your ideas.
  2. Choose the best ones and start writing in a clean piece of paper
  3. Count your words. Yoy MUST NEVER write more than 40 words. 
  4. Check that you have answered to ALL the questions. 
  5. Check your spealling and punctuation
  6. Make sure it is understandable and clear.
  7. Hand it to your teacher whenever you want

lunes, 12 de enero de 2015


Lucía C. has found a very interesting and useful webpage to practice both PET and KET tests. 
You can download them to your computer and print them if you want. 


Click on the image to do them. 

Keep studying and good luck!